Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

Places We’ve Lived In The Past

From Indiana to Florida… Texas to Tennessee… New York to North Carolina… Ohio… and back to Tennessee again…

Here’s a little about the many places we have called home.



  • Indiana (“amateur circus capital of the world!”… Peru, indiana)
  • Ohio (the industry capital of the world; plus, everyone has a connection to Ohio… do you???)
  • Texas (big clear skies with lots of stars at night)
  • New York (waaaay upstate where there’s snow skiing 8 months of the year and the most beautiful fall foliage)
  • Florida (water, water everywhere… not to mention a sunset or two!)
  • Tennessee (four beautiful seasons with lots of deer and, believe it or not, the prettiest cows I’ve ever seen)


  • Florida (very outdoor-friendly, but not very people-friendly… everyone’s so transient – they come & they go)
  • North Carolina (Rocky Mount was 64 miles from the Coast, 64 miles from the “Research Triangle”, 3-4 hours from the mountains, 3-4 hours from DC, or… right in the middle of nowhere!)
  • Ohio (the day that 20-degrees felt “warm” to me was the day I decided it was time to move)
  • Tennessee (about as “perfect” as anywhere I’ve ever lived – good people, good weather, good economy, no state income tax…)

    You might also be interested in something unique that we do whenever we’re contemplating moving to a new area… One of our “traditions” is to take photographs using that area’s natural surroundings to creatively spell out the name of the town we’re considering. Check it out!

    Here’s a fun state meme which highlights at a glance all the places you have lived or visited. Which states have YOU been to?