From “Blue Moons” and Spring Training Baseball to Halloween and Christmas…
We have a few unique traditions of our very own.
- We make a point to go to a movie on the actual day of major holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc). You’d be surprised how many other people do this! Also tradition: Ordering an extra-large buttered popcorn (layered!) and 2 large diet cokes!
- Related tradition: eating non-traditional meals on certain holidays like Thanksgiving. For example: we usually get a turkey sub from the local deli, followed by a day out fishin’ or hiking or roadtripping… as opposed to a freshly roasted turkey cooked at home and a day on the couch watching football. Sometimes, we enjoy trying out some new restaurants for their “holiday feast”.
- We carve pumpkins every Halloween using specialty templates …but usually we get such a late start, we’re still carving when the trick-or-treaters are arriving!
- We drive to Florida every March to watch Major League Baseball’s Spring Training games. We usually camp or stay in cheap hotels and drive from town to town to watch different teams play.
- We celebrate “Blue Moons“. (A Blue Moon is the 2nd of two consecutive full moons falling in the same month. They are quite rare.)
- Whenever we’re contemplating moving to a new area, we take a picture using that area’s natural surroundings to creatively spell out the name of the town we’re considering.
- We’re not really into Christmas decorations. In fact, it’s “tradition” that we don’t decorate… That is, unless we come across something REALLY unique! The reason for this is because we typically spend our Christmas vacation driving to Ohio to see Jim’s family, then to Indiana to see Lynnette’s family, and then back home in time for New Year’s Eve. In each household, we fight till the end to take home the “win” by challenging them at our favorite games.
- We plant flowers on the first day of Spring each year …because we’re so impatient we can’t wait until it actually stays warm enough to plant them with the rest of America! (Plus, it’s always interesting to see which of our flowers are tough enough to survive a late frost.)
- We don’t buy each other cards and gifts for Birthdays or Holidays…ever. Heck, we pretty much don’t buy cards & gifts for anyone …unless they’re under the age of 12!
- We go see Shawn Mullins at 3rd & Lindsley each year when he makes his annual trip to Nashville. We’re always front & center…
- We have breadsticks with Suzie (childhood friend) one evening each year when we’re in Peru for Christmas.