Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

‘Community’ Taken To A Whole New Level…

Calling all sinners...

QUESTION: Who are these people waving at?…

ANSWER: Drive-by sinners!

Yep, I pass these guys every Friday morning on my way to work.

They’re standing in front of the Living Word Community Church on Franklin Road — greeting passing motorists and inviting them to pull-in for a quick prayer and a coffee. Church billboard on Franklin Road in Brentwood, Tennessee.

Church billboard advertising 'drive-thru prayers' on Franklin Road in Brentwood, Tennessee.It’s quicker, and more convenient than a Jiffy Lube oil change, I don’t even think you need to leave your car!


Churches Offering Drive-Thru Prayer Services

Turns out, they’re not alone…

Other churches offer drive-thru prayer: