Looking for a local florist in the Franklin area to deliver flowers, gift arrangements, or roses to a special friend for Valentine’s Day, Easter, a Birthday, Wedding or Anniversary gift, new Baby, or as a Thank You?
Here’s a good place to start…
Whether you’re from this area or not, it’s easier than ever to send flowers or gift arrangements to someone who lives in Franklin, TN, thanks to the Internet where you can order online and have your flowers delivered locally — usually the same day!
Check out all the best Franklin flower shops & florists that will deliver to Franklin, Tennessee below. Plus, find links to coupon codes for discounts on flowers.
For Starters…
If you’re not from around here and you’d like to price flowers online, the zip codes for Franklin, TN are:
- 37064
- 37065
- 37067
- 37068
- 37069
Nearby towns that might also be able to deliver your flowers fast:
- Spring Hill
- Cool Springs
- Thompsons Station
- Nashville
Popular National Chains With Flower Shops In Franklin
If you plan to order through a flower company that ships nationwide (like FTD florists and Teleflora flower shops, don’t forget to use that floral deliver coupon that you’ve had lying around! It may be enough of a discount to pay for the cost of shipping … and more!
Can’t find a coupon?… Check here for coupon codes for flowers. You can use these coupon codes when ordering online — and sometimes over the phone, as well.
Flower Shops In Franklin, Tennessee
Always in Bloom
306 Fifth Ave North
Franklin, Tennessee 37064
(615) 591-7990
Cheryl’s Flowers & Gifts
9413 Clovercroft Road
Franklin, TN 37067
(615) 771-6634
Flowers By Ella
1326 West Main Street
Franklin, TN 37064
(615) 794-9922
Franklin Flower & Gift Gallery
1152 Columbia Avenue
Franklin, Tennessee 37064
(615) 794-4501
Freeman’s Flowers & Gifts
1025 West Haven Blvd.
Franklin, TN 37064
(615) 794-6880
Garden Delights
2179 Hillsboro Road
Franklin, TN 37069
(615) 599-9950
Greenhouse Floral
347 Main Street
Franklin, TN 37064
(615) 591-0200
Hody’s Florist
99 Seaboard Lane
Franklin, TN 37067
(615) 373-9887
Plants Alive
222 Franklin Road
Franklin, TN 37064
(615) 791-1480
Another Easy Way To Order Flowers Online
Perhaps you’d rather take advantage of some gift certificates that you’ve accumulated on Amazon… or you just prefer to shop with places you’re already familiar with them. If so, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that there are a number of great flower shops that deliver through Amazon.com. Their selection is quite good:

Nearby Brentwood has a good selection of florists as well. Here’s a list of the best places to buy flowers in Brentwood, Tennessee.