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Nashville’s Dr. Travis Stork Has A New Book AND A New TV Show!

doctor-travis-stork-the-doctors-tv-show.jpgMany have posted comments here or emailed me privately regarding an update on Travis Stork — Nashville’s hottest bachelor.

Well… the Bachelor (a.k.a. Dr. Travis Stork) is apparently still single. He and Sarah Stone called off their relationship soon after the show aired.

Straight from his MySpace page:

I broke up with Sarah. We had too much in common.

Here’s another update on Travis and Sarah.


But wait, there’s more!…

I saw Travis Stork on Dr. Phil last week. I only caught the 2nd half of the show which was entitled, “A Doctor’s Prescription For Love”.

Travis was one of the “experts” on the panel. Basically, he was there to talk about his new book, “Don’t Be That Girl“. He addressed many of the women on the panel’s concerns about why they’re still single.

From WKRN in Nashville:

Dr. Travis Stork said he was burned out on TV after he starred in “The Bachelor.” When he left the Vanderbilt ER, Stork said he probably wouldn’t ever see him on small screen again. He was wrong. On Thursday, Stork was one of four medical experts on today’s episode of “Dr. Phil.” He is now working in an emergency room in his native Colorado. His ex, Sarah Stone, is still in Nashville. She was at the Sounds opener on Thursday.

I must’ve missed that part about him working in Colorado now. Plus, he says he still lives in Nashville on his MySpace page. So let’s just say, we’re not sure of his exact whereabouts at the moment in time. But I’m sure that’s precisely the way he’d likes it… always the sexy bachelor… always the mysterious one.


Now, back to Travis Stork’s book…

With the whole “guy writes dating book for girls” thing, I was immediately reminded of a similar scenario. The one where Greg Behrendt wrote scripts for Sex and the City… then wrote a book for women about how to not be “that girl”… then hosted a talk show where he was the pseudo relationship expert… then they pulled the plug on the show.

By the way, I really liked Greg’s book. It was “in your face” facts about dating — from a guy’s perspective. It’s called Girlfriend, He’s Just Not That Into You“.

dont-be-that-girl-book-by-travis-stork.jpgFast-forward now… to where Travis Stork stars as “the Bachelor”… picks a winner… dumps the girl… goes back to his old girlfriend… and writes a book about what girls should do to get a guy. What’s next? A talk show on TV about dating & relationships?


Well, what do you know?!?! I was just searching around the ‘Net and found this:

The Doctors, a spinoff of syndicated hit “Dr. Phil,” is in active development by CBS Television Distribution. The new syndie show will feature an ensemble of medical experts in various specialties in a round-table discussion of daily topics, a la “The View.” It’s likely that the doctors will have been regulars on “Dr. Phil.” For example, one doctor being talked about for the new show is Travis Stork, M.D., who has appeared on “Dr. Phil”. Source

I haven’t read Travis Stork’s book yet, but in case you’re wondering, here’s what some people think of Travis’s new book.



Had I seen the beginning of the Dr. Phil show mentioned above, then I would’ve seen that yes, Travis does live in Colorado now. And yes indeed, he is the host of the new show called “The Doctors”. This was clarified in the 2nd video (from the link above).

By the way, The Doctors will air on CBS beginning in the Fall of 2008. It’s a roundtable discussion that has been compared to “The View”.