Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

An EAR For The ARTS At The Franklin Factory

an-ear-for-the-arts-logo.jpgArt from all mediums and genres will be displayed on March 20, 2008 from 6 – 10pm at the Factory in Franklin as part of An Ear For The Arts.

V102.5’s Ace will host the evening with music by Serenatta the romantic Latin ensemble.

A special performance by the African Cultural Arts Center Drum and Dance Troup is also on the schedule.

Proceeds from the art sales will be donated to The Minnie Pearl Scholarship Program. A celebrity silent auction consisting of “artists decorated Jack Daniels” statues as well as a hand-made Delgado guitar.

Tickets available now for $50.00 per person ($25. is applied to each $50 purchase of art).

To see a list of artists confirmed to exhibit their art, or to purchase tickets, visit

For more information about the event on March 20th, check out the Ear for the Arts press release.

UPDATE 3/17/08: “An EAR for
the ARTS at the Factory in Franklin scheduled for this Thursday has
been postponed.  Thanks to all of you who said you would be attending. 
I’ll post an update when I know about a rescheduled date since Amy and
I still plan to participate.  We may even have our own show in the
meantime.” Source