Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

My Week: Church, Pets, Nolensville, TN

And now, for this week’s installment of “What I Learned This Week”…

#1… There’s a bloggers conference planned for Nashville May 5-7, 2005!

#2… It’s kind of refreshing to go to the 8:30 a.m. church service instead of 10:00 a.m. where you miss a good chunk of your day.

#3… Grapefruit (without sugar, if you can believe it!) and a granola bar make an enjoyable breakfast.

#4… My new fav breakfast routine though is a small mixed fruit cup and a can of V8.

#5… It’s sweet as heck the way Destin (way younger, way bigger dog) watches out for Jersey (the one whose hearing and eyesight are failing) by nudging him awake whenever it’s time to “go outside” or whenever we’re filling up their food and water bowls. These two make great pets!

#6… I feel guilty for wanting to give a homeless guy a granola bar instead of money. (He would probably give it back or toss it on the ground… I’ve SEEN them do that when they don’t like what they’ve been given!)

#7… That Nolensville, Tennessee is soon to become a booming metropolis… as in, the next Franklin, Tennessee.

#8… Why is it that we keep running into Naomi Judd at the movies?… and our friends, Woody & Dot at restaurants in and around Franklin? Perhaps a sign that we go out waaayy too much???

#9… It feels really good to give.

#10… I’m tired of peeing “blue”! (The meds they give you for a bladder infection have this one side effect.)

#11… Ambulances should NOT have windows in the back — for the sake of us drivers stopped at a light behind them.

#12… Everyone’s an expert at SOMEthing. (…just keep looking for it!)