Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

How We Got Where We Are Today

Early on, we both knew that we wanted to pursue careers that were in some way related to Journalism. In fact, we both served on our respective high schools’ Yearbook and Newspaper staffs. But when we tried our hand at it in college… it was our professors who advised us to seek alternative careers.

So, to all those told us “No” along the way, try this on for size…
Somehow, we each managed to have successful careers — primarily within the fields of Journalism and Marketing.

Here’s a little about how we’ve incorporated our skills in journalism, marketing, advertising, publishing, writing, editing, computers, and developing websites to get where we are today.


What Comes Around, Goes Around…

We are proof that a strong work ethic, combined with true passion for whatever it is you’re doing is all it takes to truly achieve your dreams.

We were each hired separately by to maintain 2 separate web sites: (now defunct; we had to give it up when we moved from Pensacola to Nashville in 2001) and

  • Responsible for writing all the copy, researching all the links, editing & restructuring all of the information over the course of several years, creating and maintaining all the coding for the look and feel of the site

Together, we created and developed PitPass, the first-ever souvenir program for the IHRA drag racing series.

  • Responsible for writing all the copy for a 56-page magazine, researching all the data pertaining to drag racing and motorsports in general, editing the magazine’s layout and design prior to each bi-monthly press run, and selling the programs on-site at IHRA events.

Lynnette’s fine eye for detail landed her a proofing/editing job for the State of Tennessee Senate. That eventually led to a job as Electronic Journal Clerk on the floor of the Senate (basically a glorified court reporter who gets a lot of face time on local TV news).

  • Responsible for proofreading all of the bills, resolutions, and amendments that were written during the Legislative Session. From there, she created a personal coding system of shortcuts for data entry in order to encapsulate all that was said and done during the Legislative Session for the State of Tennessee.

Jim was on the advertising team for the Maddox Marketing Group, where he was their Business Development Specialist.

  • Responsible for helping clients with their creative marketing campaigns and strategies.

Lynnette has served as writer and editor of two alumni magazines: Sequel produced by Paul Smith’s College, and Pegasus produced by the University of Central Florida’s alumni association.

  • Responsible for writing and researching articles for each issue, and editing the entire magazine for each university.

Jim started his own PR and marketing firm and named it Squeaky Wheel Marketing (…because the squeaky wheel -eventually- gets the grease!)

  • Responsible for coordinating the public relations, website design, content and media relations for dozens of clients.

Lynnette discovered her computer skills and Internet savvy when she created the first web site for the University of Central Florida’s alumni association.

  • Responsible for trying out some new things at the computer (actually just dabbling “behind the scenes” in her free time)… which led to her learning the code and compiling her very first web site back in the early 90’s before web sites were so mainstream.

Jim got the bright idea of creating a network of websites that would be based on our own personal firsthand knowledge & experiences. What began as just an experiment (to try out this new thing called “blogging”) turned into an outlet for each of us — on 2 totally different planes.

  • For Jim… a way to learn all there is to know behind-the-scenes with computers. For Lynnette… a way to research & write for a living. For both of us… the ability to enjoy every single moment of our personal and professional life — together — while ultimately pursuing the things that we are each most passionate about!

Sometimes it’s funny how things turn out in life… We both wanted to be journalists in our youth and we each knew we’d be good at it even if no one else (like our professors) did. Just goes to show you, we don’t get to choose… it’s all about destiny. –Jim

Just for laughs, check out some of our earlier jobs.

Here are photos from some of Lynnette’s most fun jobs and Jim’s most fun jobs.