Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

Weekend Update

Had a fairly busy weekend… all FUN stuff, of course!

Here’s a run-down.


Jim’s new schedule of 6AM to 2PM (Tuesday through Saturday) is working out just perfectly… He’s now home early to walk the dogs, so I don’t have to rush home after work each day.

And since he got home at a decent time THIS Friday, we went to play NTN Trivia at the Mellow Mushroom. Met a really sweet couple there, Paul and Sherry — who happened to start up a conversation about kids… and the fact that they have twins — after several years of IVF. Got me thinkin again about OUR situation, but we’re still going along with the premise, “If it was meant to be, it will be…”

Jim works Saturdays too, but off at 2:00, so we went riding in the Jeep — scouting out potential sites to build our potential house on in the potential near future.

Then, it got bitterly cold outside, and our Jeep doesn’t have heat (due to the thermostat becoming gunked up with Bars-No-Leak from the time the radiator sprung a leak when Jim was driving it in Ohio!), so as soon as it got dark, we headed home. But not without stopping by the liquor store first to find something to keep us warm and “toasty”.
I’m usually gung-ho to dip into the Wild Turkey that we always keep at the house, but this night I was craving something to go with Sprite or 7-UP. We opted for a bottle of Seagram’s 7. MMMmmmmmm…

Sunday started out just like most Sunday’s do… a trip to church, followed by lunch at the Thai restaurant.

Church was especially cool because it was a REALLY “real” message. Plus, I got a surprise visit from my little munchkin friend, Sophie (4-year-old daughter of Mark and Erin), and we signed up to be on Mark’s team for the 40 Days of Excellence project. It should be fun… Get together with the same 8 people once a week for 5 weeks to discuss your personal readings (daily for 40 days straight) from the book Power to Prevail. It’s like bible-study on a different level — and a reason to get out and interact with people like you, interested in the same church philosophy as you. Can’t wait!

kinsey_movie.jpg After church and Thai, we spontaneously decided to catch a movie: Kinsey. Add this to the handful of movies we rented this past week (including The Village and Maria Full of Grace), and here are some movie reviews for you.