** Newest photos added 6/11/06 ** It’s not quite ready for skateboarders yet… but it’s close!
(This photo was taken at Nashville’s Two Rivers Skate Park.)
Maybe it’s because of all the rainy days that we’ve had lately (…not to mention all the tornadoes).
Maybe it’s just how the construction process goes (…fast at first, followed by what seems like a snail’s pace).
Maybe there’s a lot of detail work that we can’t see (…because there certainly are a lot of workers on site most of the time!)
Then again, maybe only real skateboarders can appreciate the true skill and hard work that goes into creating a Skate Park (… and therefore, only they can visualize what is just around the corner).
And now…
Whatever the reason, I’ve been driving by the Franklin Skate Park for weeks now, yet I keep seeing the same pictures in the viewfinder of my camera.
See The Progress…
I realize that I’ve been slow at getting more pictures posted here at the Franklin Fun Times Guide…
That’s mostly because I kept thinking that a “big” change was just around the corner that would make for more exciting photographs.
However, unless you’ve driven through Jim Warren Park yourself (where the new Skate Park is located), then I guess the following views are better than no views at all.
So here you go, this is what the Franklin Skate Park has looked like for weeks:
Back When They Were Laying The Foundation (3/23/06)…
And I did capture a few pics of the guys laying the foundation for the Skate Park in those early days of construction:
Let There Be Stairs (6/3/06)…
Working hard on a Saturday afternoon (like usual), the skateboard park is taking shape now. Steps are in place, as well as the cement boundary walls:
View the very first photos of the Franklin Skate Park… right after they broke ground.
Check out the progress of Phase 2… building the kidney-shaped bowl at the skateboard park.
See What Else Is In Store For This Skateboarding Park…
Check out the actual plans for the Franklin Skate Park on the Site Design Group’s website:
(username: franklin password: plaza)