Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

Shameless Self Promotion

I’m still not sure if anyone really “gets” this website…

Oh sure, we get 400,000+ hits a month (up to 20,000 a day on a good day!) — and the number is steadily rising — but we figure it’s mostly people using a Search Engine coming in & getting what they’re looking for and then leaving.

It’s like a double-edged sword… We cover such a wide range of topics here (good thing), that we don’t really establish a regular “audience” (not-so-good thing).

At a glance, it’s hard to put a finger on the wealth of information that we’ve got here…

People are talking about The Fun Times Guide

Thanks to all who have taken the time to share… If you haven’t yet, please drop us an e-mail.

So, do YOU “get it”? …

Have you found something at this site (more than once) to humor, or otherwise amaze you?…

Shameless Self Promotion
If so, we’d be most grateful if you would help a brotha out by giving a testimonial about our site, reviewing, or otherwise recommending our site at one or more of the following locations:

  • Blog Explosion (a VERY popular blog directory)
    *If you’re not already a “member”, use this link to join (it’s FREE!).

  • Search Engine (an Amazon company)
    *Simply use your password to login — this prevents “spammers” from posting.

  • Flickr Photos (where we organize our FUN photos).
    *If you own digital photos, then chances are, you’re ALREADY a Flickr member yourself, but if you’re not (it’s FREE!), join here & then add us as one of your “contacts”. Then, you can add a “testimonial”, comment on individual photos, and stay on top of all the newest photos we upload.

  • Blog Clicker (another popular blog directory)
    *If you aren’t already a “member”, use this link to join — it’s FREE & FUN!

  • Blog Rankings (a blog directory that lets visitors ‘score’ blogs)
    *No login or password required.

If, for some reason, you’re not up for that kind of blog-love, then please consider at least adding a Comment or two to a post you see here, a photo you see there, or something else we’ve written that you’ve spotted out and about in Blogland. It means more than you know…

Thanks. We love ya, man!