Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

Napster Online Music Is Now FREE!

Napster is now FREE! Napster has become the first legal digital music service to offer free, on-demand listening to over 2 million major and independent label tracks five times each!

Yep… FREE!

Love music?

Want to hear big-hit major label songs, as well as lesser-known independent tunes?

Want to listen to your favorites for up to 5 times for FREE?

Then Napster is the place to be!

How Napster’s Free Music Works

You can listen to songs through Napster’s online service as many and as often as you wish… up to 5 different times per song.

Then, you either have to:
a) not listen to it anymore;
b) buy it for 99 cents; or
c) sign up for an unlimited monthly subscription ($9.95 a month or $14.95 for a version that lets you transfer songs to certain portable devices).

This puts the music listener so much more in control of the songs they listen to an ultimately download online!

And this makes Napster’s online music player simple… and enjoyable anywhere online… at no cost.

Not to mention the fact that purchasing individual tracks and albums and subscribing to Napster’s premium services are quick and easy!

Leave it to Napster (…the original free music downloading site!) to give music lovers what they want: more flexibility, and less cost!