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Tennessee Kids Get Free Books Each Month From Birth To Age 5 Thanks To Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library!

Attention all parents in Tennessee (and beyond)…

Did you know that your children can receive free kids books every month?

Yep… from birth to age 5, any child who registers with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library will receive free books for kids every single month!

A friend of mine signed up her newborn baby. They’ve been receiving kids books ever since he was a couple months old. (It takes 6 to 8 weeks to receive your first book.)

My niece reading books to her Uncle Jim.


Dolly Parton’s Free Books For Kids

I first heard about this program when I saw Dolly Parton being interviewed about her Imagination Library — a book distribution program that she started in 1996.

Dolly Parton gives free books to all children

Dolly Parton's 'Imagination Library' book distribution program.Initially, Dolly Parton distributed free kids books to children (birth through age 5) who lived in her county — Sevier County, Tennessee.

In 1999, she extended the opportunity internationally to other communities willing to replicate the Imagination Library program in their own area.

Books From Birth Foundation logo.In 2002, Tennessee’s Governor Bredesen pledged to partner with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Foundation to help make her effective pre-K literacy program available to all Tennessee children regardless of family income.

Today, most Tennessee counties are included in the program coordinated by the Books From Birth Foundation.

Be sure to tell your friends in other states about Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library — because they can now get Dolly Parton’s free kids books, too!


Which Kids Books Do Children Receive?

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library program logo.If you’re the parent of a child under 5 and you sign up, then each month a new, carefully selected age-appropriate book will be mailed in your child’s name directly to your home.

A child can enter Dolly Parton’s free book program at any time and begin receiving a book every month until their 5th birthday.

UPDATE: Dolly Parton is also issuing Braille books!


How To Get Free Books For Your Child

To register your child in the Books From Birth Foundation program, sign up here .

And if you move, be sure to update your address with the Imagination Library!

For more information, contact Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library directly at 1-877-99Books.

This is an amazing opportunity for Tennessee kids. And what a great gift for a new baby!

Here is one mom’s review of Dolly Parton’s free kids books.