Shopping & BusinessTravel

More Reasons We Love The Farm At Natchez Trace (…And Our Dog Does, Too)

I’ve sung the praises of The Farm at Natchez Trace before.

But now I have a few more things to add to the list…

We recently left our dog, Tenor, in the hands of the fine folks at The Farm at Natchez Trace.

This time, it was for the holidays — we went out of town for Christmas.

When we picked him up today, after his week-long stay, we got the usual run down of how well he ate (not well, like usual)… how well he played with other dogs (extremely well, like usual)… and how well he warmed up to the people who worked there (he’s getting better… warming up to them faster).

Before we left, they gave us this:

…a sweet Christmas card featuring a photo of our dog on his first day there. Awe!
(That’s his dog pillow and the blue ball that we left for him in the picture.)

And, just like last time, there was evidence that they went above and beyond to make him feel comfortable in unfamiliar surroundings:

#1 They gave him 2 other toys to play with — brand new squeaky toys. Last time, they gave him a huge rawhide bone to gnaw on. He tends to clam up and get real shy whenever strangers are around him, so I was thrilled that they tried to put him at ease with fun new things like this.

#2 They kept him in a special “wing” of the facility where they only had Labradors this time. I guess there were so many Labs there over the holidays that they decided to put them all in the same “community suite” together. In the community suite, each dog has their own room that faces all of the other dogs. So they can see what the others are doing at all times. The last time, he was in his own (slightly bigger) room where all he could see was people walking past him in the hallway. Of course, there was also a huge window to the play yard, too. And a private TV screen — as opposed to just one up in the corner of the community suite for all of the dogs watch together. I just think it was fun that he could be surrounded by other dogs like himself.

#3 They let him play with other dogs. We didn’t pay for the extra “group play”, but we said we wouldn’t mind if they wanted to play with him in the company of other dogs at some point. (They always do this for us… and I’m so very grateful that they do.)

Thinking about boarding your dog at “The Farm” sometime in the future?

Here are more fun facts about The Farm at Natchez Trace.