This article about schools always being closed in Williamson County remains a popular one here at The Fun Times Guide to Franklin.
It’s clear that parents are searching for ways to find out about school closings — especially at times when schools become closed at the last minute due to bad weather or some other emergency.
Okay parents, here’s what you need to know…
With school being canceled as many as 10 days each year in Williamson County, this is definitely something that parents need to be aware of.
The key is keeping your phone numbers up-to-date at all times with the school district.
Here’s why:
Williamson County Schools will contact parents by phone to notify them when schools will be closed due to bad weather.
If school is going to be canceled the next day, they try to call by 9 p.m. But if that is not possible, they will call as early as 5:45 in the morning on the day that school is closed — but only at the main contact number that you have listed.
If school is dismissed early for the day, parents will receive a phone call at all of the phone numbers that they currently have on file with the school.
More about Williamson County school closings.
And, be sure to keep your eye on the weather in Franklin TN…
Other sources for Williamson County School Closings: