Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

Red Bull Flugtag Event In Nashville

Well here’s a fun event that you don’t hear about every day…

It’s called Flugtag.
What’s Flugtag, you ask?

Flugtag is an extraordinary flying contest that’s sponsored by Red Bull and takes place in Nashville this summer.

Red Bull calls it “the quest for human-powered flight”.

It’s definitely a one-of-a-kind event not to be missed!

You can sign up to participate or just come out and watch.

Here are the details…


How It Works

In Flugtag, teams of up to 5 people work together building outrageous homemade, human-powered flying crafts which one person pilots off of an elevated flight deck, through the air, and into a body of water.

Teams are judged on three criteria — distance, creativity and showmanship.

“Designed by amateurs. Built by volunteers. And piloted by the incredibly brave.”


How To Get Involved

Interested participants may apply now through April 16, 2007 by visiting .

Just sketch your flying machine and submit your application online.

Everyone in the Nashville area is invited to come out and see all of the fun creations at Riverfront Park. The event is totally free to the public and has drawn crowds of up to 70,000 spectators in the past.