Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith’ Was Too Hot To Handle… So Was The Thai Food We Ate Before The Movie

Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. We hadn’t intended on seeing this movie… but Mike W. was in town, and he had heard it was funny, so we all went.

It was cute, and funny in parts. But quite honestly, I couldn’t get past staring at Angelina Jolie’s big lips!

Combine that with a plot in Mr. and Mrs. Smith that didn’t really go anywhere… and you’re left with a feeling of disappointment. Even though the lead characters themselves were pretty hot… they seemed to be having more fun MAKING the movie than any of the moviegoers in our theater did SEEING the movie.

Let me just say for the record, I am aware of the fact that those are in fact her “real” lips. I saw a photo of her at age 4 or 5 and her lips were just as large then!

Here’s our complete review of this and other movies we’ve seen recently.

It was a “sign”…

This movie was about as hot as the Thai food we had eaten before the movie!

Hot & Spicy Thai Food: The Perfect Pre-Movie Food
I must say, it seemed ironic that earlier in the day we had talked Mike into eating Thai food with us (our 2nd favorite food in the world… next to Mexican).

I ordered “501, chicken, hot” — like I usually do. Only THIS time it was REALLY hot… Even the server commented that it hadn’t been cooked with quite the right mixture of spices and sauces — but he hoped it would be okay this one time.

Plus, he had eagle-eyes for our table the entire time — always on the lookout for that crucial moment when I needed yet ANOTHER refill of soda to tame the fires going on inside my mouth.

He refilled my tall glass of soda no less than 4 times in this one dining experience alone!

You see, the soda tamed the spices on the tongue… and whenever he couldn’t get back to our table fast enough to refill my cup, the ice cubes inside it provided instant heat-relief by the simple act of rubbing them on my lips that were, by now, SO on fire that I commented I felt like I had “Angelina Jolie lips”. (This was before we even THOUGHT about going to see the “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” movie.)

“It’s not hot…”
For once in my lifetime, I was unable to finish my entire plate of Thai spice chicken, with vegetables and rice.

Therefore, I suggested that Mike and Jim try a bite — if nothing else than to experience “real” spicy Thai food for themselves!

Mike sampled one piece of chicken that was sitting in a pool of the spicy juices on my plate… No biggie… until about 20 SECONDS LATER!… “Yeoooowwsah! This $@#& is HOT!” (That, from one tiny bite of chicken.)

Jim, on the other hand, found it hilarious that we were squirming and sweating and coughing and imbibing on anything in our presence. He managed to scarf down several bites of the chicken, AND vegetables, AND rice that had been saturated in the spicy sauces — virtually wiping the plate clean — before his bald heat started beading up with droplets of sweat that no napkin could absorb fast enough.

Not to mention the fact that he too, was now sucking ice chips in order to cool the flames and reduce the swelling going on inside HIS Angelina Jolie-sized lips that were now flaming red!

Still… the “man” that he is… Jim had the nerve to say (with conviction)… “It’s not hot. I don’t know what you two are complaining about.”

Exit, Stage Left
The REAL effects of Thai spice took its toll on Jim some 2 hours later. Then again 30 minutes later, followed by every 10 minutes after that — until every ounce of Thai spice had been expelled from his body.

The end result of our Thai spice experience:
Mike and I felt the effects right away, and winced our way through it. (It was too delicious NOT to continue eating it, despite the heat-fest going on inside my mouth.)

Jim, on the other hand, got to savor the flavor for awhile, only to feel the full effects hours later.

Naaaa… it’s not hot, Jim!