Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

I Made The Cover Of A Magazine… Again!

Lynnette and Kay on the cover of International Swimwear magazine. [My mom is going to kill me for this one…]

Maybe I couldn’t get my picture on the cover of a Rolling Stone, but I didn’t have any trouble getting on the cover of International Swimwear magazine!

I came across this picture the other day while digging through my digital photo archives.

Just for laughs… I thought I’d share.

This is my mom and I sharing the spotlight on the cover of International Swimwear magazine. (For those who don’t know me, I’m the one on the right.)

The real question is… can you tell which part of this picture was airbrushed?

Answer: All of it!

Mom and I had this picture taken at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida a few years ago. (Actually 1995, according to the cutlines on the magazine. Geesh, how time flies.)

Believe it or not, she talked me into doing this…

Who ever would’ve guess that my mom would want to pose for a magazine cover?!

Not me. And not anyone who knows “little miss conservative” and “the lady who would rather wear jeans on 99-degree days in Hawaii than be caught dead wearing a pair of shorts in public… let alone a bathing suit”!


If you know anything at all about Universal Studios, then you know that things are rarely as they appear. And this is obviously a “fake” magazine cover — no fancy airbrushing or retouching necessary for these swimsuit models!


Speaking of retouching…

Listen to Bud Light’s Real Men of Genius ”Mr. Centerfold Retoucher”:


Similar, yet different… Make your own magazine cover online!


lynnette-kay-sofa.jpg recent-lynnette-kay-photo.jpgFor the record, here’s what we really looked like that same weekend we made the cover of International Swimwear magazine (left). And our most recent photograph together now (right).


Believe it or not, my hubby Jim has also been a centerfold model! Here’s proof.