DISCLAIMER: I’m either going to make an A$# of myself by revealing an insanely ridiculous faux pas on my part, or else I’m going to make some new friends, thanks to my ingenious discovery of some hip new music. You be the judge.
You see, I don’t know if I’m just that SLICK that I can figure out secret things that I didn’t actually know I knew how to do… Or, if I’m just that STUPID and this really isn’t a secret at all.
Consider this…
Download Third Day Bootlegged Songs
I found online Bootlegs of Third Day songs available on the Third Day website. Cool. Great. Neat-o. Have a listen.
But THEN, when I entered the entire web address for just ONE of those songs into the URL box on my browser, I was able to back into a whole behind-the-scenes directory of Third Day’s music online.
This is music that I don’t see featured anywhere else on their site…
Ah yes, this probably just shows how ignorant I am when it comes to all the ways you can go about accessing stuff on the Internet, but I have to admit I couldn’t help but feel like I was sneaking in the back door or something on this one.
So, if it’s wrong, please let me know.
If you’re from Third Day and you didn’t know this kind of access was available on your site, then please take note. (ha!)
If you just want to enjoy some good music… no, GREAT music… then download away!
— > Third Day Bootlegged Music
(For the record, we still bought a slew of Third Day songs from iTunes and purchased a Third Day album even after getting all these free bootlegged songs… simply because the bootlegs left us wanting more!)
Jim and I are huge Third Day fans! (Some day I’ll write about how I first “discovered” their music… which is interesting in itself.)
Download Franky Perez Songs Online
Now here’s a guy who I know fully intended to include these song downloads on his website — free for the taking!
Franky Perez’s “media” section includes 11 full-length songs from his albums. Plus, you can view the full-length videos for 10 other songs from previous albums.
I, for one, will be buying the new Franky Perez album entitled, “My 4th of July”… If nothing more than the fact that it has the song “Somebody’s Someone” on it.
That’s the one song he sang for us at the Bluebird (in Nashville) when Johnny Reid invited him to the stage. I fell in love with that song… and that’s the night Franky Perez made a new fan!
Tell me I haven’t found yet another person who likes the Fourth of July as much as I do… His newest album is entitled “My 4th of July” and a previous album was called “Poor Man’s Son“.
FREE Goes A Long Way…
As stated above, the full-length songs that I downloaded from the Third Day website are what got us both hooked on the band in the first place. No 30-second audio clips can have that same impact… there’s barely enough to pique your interest!
For that reason, I am grateful to musicians like Third Day and Franky Perez who make full songs available for download.
In both cases, we listed to the downloaded songs over and over again, which left us wanting even more. As a result: We became loyal fans and to this day, we continue send new listeners to both groups.
—> Check out this NPR Audio: The value of Bootlegs and the thrill of the challenge in finding them
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