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Wanna Be A Rock Star?… Here’s How You, Too, Can Be Almost Famous

While reading Claire Suddath’s article about rock stars in the Nashville Scene the other day, I realized how dead-on she is with her description of rock star wannabee’s.

I want to be a rockstar. How about you?


So I’ve thought about it for a while, and I’m pretty sure that I want to be a rock star. I don’t have any experience as a rock star — my college didn’t have a rock star major and I have no idea what an appropriate summer internship would be like — but I’m young and my career has just begun. I could probably still be a rock star if I really wanted to.

It gets better.

In fact, her characterizations of rock stars and society’s fascination with and glamorization of these musical wonderboys (and girls) are guaranteed to make you laugh.

Now, for the rock star wannabe inside us all…

Here are some ways that you, too, can be a rock star (…or at least look like one!)

First, check out this hilarious video of Todd Snider performing his “Seattle Grunge Blues” song:

The Fast Track To Becoming A Rock Star:

brett-danaher-rock-star.jpg 1. Classic Rock Guitar Poses (…learn how to be a domestic guitar god, how to cue in a solo, the secret behind facial expressions, pointing poses, and how to play the guitar with your foot — and still look cool!)

2. How To Play The Virtual Air Guitar (…don’t miss the videos.)

3. Virtual Studio (…see what it’s like to work in the music industry by playing with the virutal equipment including mixers, sequencers, and lots of tools to help you create your own songs.)

4. Creative Method For Naming Your Band (…a do-it-yourself worksheet.)

5. Boogie Bones (…play the drums online!)

6. Music Online Games (…try your hand at simple piano melodies, drum solos, guitar chords, etc.)

7. RockStar Energy Drink (…drink what the rock stars drink!)

8. Virtual Air Guitar Championships (…coming to a city near you.)

9. Compose Music With Eventide (…computer software that can turn you into a songwriter.)