Eddie Rabbit must have been way ahead of his time.
The first verse of his song “Driving My Life Away” has the lines:
Those windshield wipers slappin out a tempo
Keepin perfect rhythm with the song on the radio
Gotta keep rolling
At least that’s the first song that came to my mind when my friend Jean from All Things Jeep e-mailed me with a link to The Song Tapper.
While carrying a tune is not a prerequisite – having rhythm is!
Not to worry – if your song is not one of the over 85,000 that they have cataloged, you can enter the Song Title and Artist to help “teach the computer.”
For the record, I missed on the following songs:
- Handyman – James Taylor
- Smiling Face – James Taylor
- Take This Job and Shove It – Johnny Paycheck
I did “tap” on:
- Piano Man – Billy Joel
- California Girls – Beach Boys
- Jingle Bells
When I missed badly, it seemed I was tapping Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
For the record – Eddie Rabbit’s Driving My Life Away wasn’t in their library, but maybe my tapping was close enough that future users will find it…. or Bohemian Rhapsody.
Have fun… Tap A Song!