It was a very full week. Much fun was had. Much was learned.
Hold onto your hats, folks. Here we go!…
#1… How lucky were WE to get to watch The Kinleys perform in church last Sunday?! I had never listened to their stuff before, but they ROCKED on this day.
#2… After researching Flickr for another post, I got motivated to post more pics on Flickr. Thankfully, I discovered Flickr Groups, cuz it’s a fun way to post photos based on a topic or theme. I’ve joined these groups:
- Nashville (pic of the cityscape, etc.)
- Favorites (everyone’s 2 favorite photos)
- DILOMAY05 (pics from your life as photographed on May 1, 2005)
- Bloggers (haven’t figured out the focus of that one yet)
#3… Believe it or not, we got ANOTHER frost!!! What is going on here?!?! No WONDER this guy in our neighborhood has his jet ski up for sale, right? (Which, by the way sir, is against the Homeowners Association rules.)
#4… I FINALLY sat still long enough to watch an entire episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition… and I liked it! (It was the one where they made the house entirely sound- and touch-friendly for a blind man.)
I’ve always heard people referring to it as “so touching” and how “they’re REALLY helping people”…yet I’ve always been turned off by things that are “sentimental just for the sake of being sentimental”… (much like with Rosie O’Donnell and Andie MacDowell’s recent movie: “Riding on the Bus With My Sister“) — there was NOTHING on TV that night, and I still couldn’t bring myself to watch it!)
#5… Here’s something just for fun that I discovered…
Type in a WORD and find books, music, or movies with that word in the title (or the author/artist’s name).
So what, you ask? Just you wait and see!…
#6… Whether you’re a Mac person or a PC person, you’ve GOTTA check out this guy’s series of posts about “Why I Don’t Like Macs”. The titles alone are enough to put a smile on your face…
#7… What’s with me and people with Tourette’s? I’m betting most people out there haven’t EVER come across someone with Tourette’s. How is it that I’ve crossed paths with two in less than 2 months?!
First, seated next to me on an airplane for 6 hours! Then yesterday when I was getting gas… I stepped out of my car and disengaged the nozzle… when the guy at the pump next to me blurted out what sounded like “Boo!” I poked my head around the pump to get a look at him and politely say “Hello”… when I noticed he was on a slight run of uncontrollable ticks. Bummer.
#8… I bought something PINK!!! In fact, TWO things pink — both fairly cool shirts. Let me assure you that this, is in fact, News. You see, I haven’t owned anything pink since… grade school? Guess it’s cuz I’ve never seen myself as a “girly girl” and I’ve always thought that pink is just SO “girly”.
That is, until guys started wearing it. But then it became mostly gay guys. And now we’re back to “it’s okay for straight guys to wear pink again”… I think. So, if everyone else can wear it, I guess I can too. (Besides, I like to think that pink is the new black.)
#9… Yeah, I have to admit, I watched some (okay most) of the Nashville Star shows this season. (…mostly, cuz I like Phil Vassar, does that help?).
And to think… I can’t STAND American Idol. What’s wrong with this picture??? Guess NS just isn’t so “commercialized” and wrought with controversy, rumor, and scams yet. I can appreciate the fact that it’s a “clean” and “wholesome” show. Naaaa, I just like that it helps people get a LEGIT break in the music industry! So there.
Anyway, you can’t help but pull for this guy to win NEXT year’s show…
He’s David Broom, and right after the ’05 season finale of Nashville Star last week, he went out and registered as his domain name.
You see, he’s got his heart set on AT LEAST being chosen to compete next season. But, he really thinks he can win big… if only they’ll give him the chance.
So, in an attempt to get his name & voice out there WAY before auditions are even open for the ’06 season of Nashville Star, David Broom is focusing on the marketing end of things. I love that! Good luck David.
#10… Who knew I spend an ENTIRE afternoon watching Animal Planet full-length show clips online?! Here’s why.
#11… One thing I had intended to watch on TV, but I forgot to: Con
It airs Wednesdays at 9:30pm Central Time on Comedy Central, and it’s about a guy (Skyler Stone) who is a con artist who’s conned his way to wealth, fortune… and now fame. Supposedly, this show highlights some of his con jobs, and they sound pretty lucrative.
#12… Believe it or not, after e-mailing back and forth with my mom Wednesday morning and afternoon, she somehow surprised us by showing up on our doorstep at 4AM Thursday morning!
Oh, she was just passing through on her way from Indiana to Florida –on a spontaneous (I’ll say!!!) “vacation”.
…Mind you, this was a mere 14 hours after I had last e-mailed her, and absolutely NO mention of her taking said trip!
She just packed her bags, loaded up the car, called her friend Jane to accompany her, and then hit the highway.
I dig that spontaneous edge she’s got for 50-something! Though, I must admit, I didn’t have my A-game on at 4 in the morning, and I barely even remember talking with her before I had to leave for work that morning…
But I’m sure she and Jane are having a Grand time in Florida!
#13… Okay, we’re off for the BlogNashville conference…convention…and overall good time party place this weekend.
True, it takes place right in our backyard, so we don’t have to go far, but it’s exciting nonetheless!
As members of the Media Bloggers Association, we’ll be meeting and greeting with some of the Blogging community’s finest leaders and role models.
Mostly, we’re looking forward to hanging out with fellow bloggers from within the state of Tennessee. Many we have listed here. Others we have referenced here.
Watch for FUN photos from BlogNashville in the days to come… (In the meantime, check out all the fun that’s being had at BlogNashville here.)