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The Warren Brothers… Great Singers? Brilliant Comedians!

The Warren Brothers -- Brett (left) and Brad (right) -- at Tim McGraw's movie premiere, 'Friday Night Lights' in Franklin Tennessee. Chances are, you have never heard of the Warren Brothers. In fact, few people have… which is why they’ve created a TV show (on CMT) called “Barely Famous: The Warren Brothers“.

Here are my thoughts on the Warren Brothers. To sum it all up: I love ’em!

I absolutely love their weekly “behind-the-scenes” TV show on CMT (Country Music Television). It’s a hilarious look at why they’re not famous yet (…brilliant!)

In my humble opinion though, these guys are much better comedians and just all-around-good-guys more than they are “great singers”.


The Warren Brothers Don’t Sell A Lot Of Records…

In sync with one of the lines from their “hit” song “I Don’t Sell a Lot of Records, But I Sure Sell a Lot of Beer!“, I could add this: I can’t say much for their music… but I can say that they’ve encouraged me to pop open a beer or two while we’re watching their TV show!

In fact, Jim and his brother, Steve, used to be “regulars” on all the nights that the Warren Brothers played at the local Bunganut Pig in Franklin, Tennessee. (This was WAY back… when they were even LESS famous than they are now!) But, ask Jim if he owns any of their music, and the answer is still “No.”

Truth is, their songs are maybe fun to listen to once… or twice… like at a party or something… but that’s probably plenty.


…But They Sure Sell You On How To Have A Good Time!

It’s really the guys’ attitude about life and their general fun-loving spirit that makes them two of the coolest guys on Earth!

My first introduction to the Warren Brothers came when I visited the live taping (oximoron?) of TV’s “Nashville Star” on the USA Network in October, 2003. They were two of the judges in search of Country music next’s big artist. Which, of course was comical in itself, since they hadn’t haven’t really hit it big yet themselves, so who are THEY to judge others’ abilities and influence their success?

Then, one day while channel-surfing I saw a promo for an upcoming weekly series on CMT called “Barely Famous: The Warren Brothers“. The commercial itself was hilarious, so Jim and I eagerly tuned in for the series’ first show. And, we’ve been faithful viewers ever since!

But again, it’s their unique points of view and comical take on things that make the show worth viewing. It’s those things that ultimately personify who they are – more than their music itself actually does.

Their current album is titled, “Well-deserved obscurity” (…’nough said!)


Where There’s Tim McGraw… There’s The Warren Brothers

The only other sidenote to the Warren Brothers that I have to add is this: It’s SOOOOoooo obvious how closely they’re tied to Tim McGraw (…not that there’s anything wrong with that).

He gave them their big break by producing their album, he cut one of their songs on his own album (Tim McGraw and the Dancehall Doctors), he shows up frequently on their TV show, and they show up just about anywhere Tim is… like at last night’s premiere for the movie “Friday Night Lights“, starring Billy Bob Thornton and none other than Tim McGraw!