Here's our personal review of the Williamson County Fair in Franklin, Tennessee near Nashville -- the highlights, and the low-lights. Including photos of some celebrities like George Jones, Sheriff Ricky Headley, Taylor Ware, and Leah Hulan.
Do yourself a favor and reserve your Friday nights for the Warren Brothers. That's when their show, Barely Famous, airs on CMT each week. I, for one, will be watching -- and LAUGHING -- at all the crazy antics of Brad and Brett Warren in each episode.
From Franklin, Tennessee, Leah Hulan is an icon in Williamson County. Her motto: 'You ring, we spring!' Here's a collection of billboards featuring Leah Hulan and Grumpy's Bail Bonds... plus, little-known facts about the Grumpy's girl!
When I was downtown Franklin, Tennessee the other day, I noticed they were filming a Hamburger Helper commercial for TV at the Franklin Fire Department! Here are some behind-the-scenes photos.
Jim and I were flipping through the channels late the other night when we happened upon VH1 where John Mayer walking around the stadium dressed in a Bear costume before one of his concerts, and he was asking people what...
Hmmmm... it seems that hunky hearthrob actor Jamie Denton (aka Mike the plumber from Desperate Housewives) has officially changed his name to James Denton....
I didn't catch it as it happened on Saturday Night Live this past weekend, but I heard about it on the radio this morning, and found a video clip of the mishap on the Internet......