This is the one and only photo that exists of me dancing.
How do I know? Because this is the one and only time in my LIFE that I let my “friends” talk me into dancing… in public.
Never did it before then.
Haven’t done it since.
Won’t be doing it EVER again.
I just can’t seem to get over the fact that I think most people look silly when they’re dancing. Me included.
Listen to Bud Light’s Real Men of Genius ”Mr. Really Really Really Bad Dancer””
Watch the video for Bud Light’s “Mr. Really Really Really Bad Dancer”:
Of course, there are plenty of people who were born to dance, and they manage to look pretty smooth doing it… but those, I think, are probably the minority.
Here are some funny videos of people dancing. Or, TRYING to dance anyway. Some are really good… Others are really bad…
First, a tribute to my former UCF colleagues… (hi guys!). We were all at a conference in North Carolina in 1998. Hope you’re enjoying this “blast from the past” as much as I am…
UCF = “U Can Flashdance”
Matt… the star dancer from our group!
You just can’t HELP but smile when you watch Matt doin’ his thang… (Here, Aimee was giving him a run for his money though.)
Oh yes. He meant to do this…
It’s called breakdancing!
Other fellow UCF’ers who love to dance:
…and a good time was had by all.
(Thanks for the smiles, guys. Miss ya!!!)
And now, for the best dancing video ever… It’s called “The Evolution of Dance” by Judson Laipply ENJOY!
More Funny Dancing Videos
- Roommate Caught Dancing
- Go White Boy!
- Dancing Cop In Convenience Store
- Matt Is Dancing All Over The World!
- Some Dogs Can REALLY Dance!
- Awesome Breakdancing
- “Dancing” In The Car
- Michael Jackson Moonwalking
- Animals Dancing To “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”
- Dancing Microsoft Exec
- Christopher Walken Dancing to FatBoy Slim’s “Weapon of Choice”
- How To Dance Like A White Guy
- Baby Beyonce
- Seinfeld’s Elaine Benes Dancing
Interactive Dancing “Games”