I just realized that these “What I Learned This Week” posts sometimes take the form of “What I Think You’d Want To Know About Us This Week” instead.
Such is life… It’s a great way for us to update our friends and family about the major happenings in our life that week AND toss in a few interesting things we’ve learned along the way.
What I Learned This Week…
#1… Sometimes a big peanut butter & jelly sandwich makes a great breakfast…on the way to work. 🙂
#2… According to our local news, the IRS says the average tax refund this year is $2,259. That is up 2.6% over last year.
#3… Well, shiver me timbers… I guess my allergies have returned for another year after all. They usually kick in in February and they don’t go away until MAY. But this year, I’ve been allergy free… til now! Looks like I’ll be sneezing through July at this rate!
#4… Needless to say, this made for a miserable lawn-mowing experience last weekend. (I normally like to mow.) Though I must admit… getting back out there for another season of mowing, I was reminded of just how much I LOVE our self-propelled Toro lawn mower. It’s the “personal pace” version, so it goes forward at the pace you lightly push it. Way cool! (Here’s a great review of 2004 lawn mowers, including the Toro Personal Pace model!)
#5… Not only does my favorite sandwich shop Penn-Station East Coast Subs have a frequent diner’s club… but I just discovered that our all-time favorite spur-of-the-moment sweet treat — Smoothie King — does too. And we are now official members of the Smoothie Kingdom! This is loooonnnnggg overdue…
#6… Who knew that we could actually put together an entire website from scratch in 3 days flat?! From the moment we got the “go-ahead” from our church to begin our handiwork on https://thatcrazychurch.com to the day we shared with BCC our finished product — we worked 3 LONG days (and nights!) to gather content, input data, create hyperlinks, and organize everything into categories. Guess we’ve been doing it for so long, that we can practically put up new websites in our sleep now. (That’s actually what we DID on a couple of those nights… cuz we only had 3 days to do this before Jim went out of town & the campaign kickoff was announced!) Plus, we had some design help from Karen Hayes — another volunteer from BCC — we couldn’t have done it without her.
FYI: This website is being used to inform the public about BCC’s “Crazy Campaign”. It’s a capital campaign of sorts — a fundraising effort to build a place where kids and teens can do more than just learn about God. It will be a place to make friends, develop life long values, and have fun. BCC is growing by leaps & bounds, and our current facilities can barely accommodate the 4,000+ parents, kids, and families who attend each weekend.
#7… Spring has finally sprung and there are two realizations:
A) We have yet to plant flowers — which is completely against our beliefs and actions from years past; and
B) Jim’s two softball teams are in full swing again — though they both got off to a slow start and they’re resembling that ever-so-memorable Season One.