Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

To All Our Single Friends…

We spent Christmas Eve with Jim's family. Following are some words of wisdom for all our single friends.

And if you play your cards just right, surely you too will find your own “Mr. January” (or “Ms. January”).

This is all tongue-in-cheek, of course


For What It’s Worth…

  • Your soul mate will find you when you least expect it. That’s how it happened with us! (So, try & get out more to increase your odds.)
  • Try not to get so stuck in your ways that you won’t let someone new into your life to change things up a bit sometimes. (This was my personal obstacle.)
  • When all else fails and you just need to get away from it all, you’ve always got a room at our place. We rent out “Suzie’s room” January through June. And “Mike’s room” July through December each year (…when they’re not using it of course).

Required Reading:

How To Get Out Of “Date Hell”

Girlfriend, He’s Just Not That Into You!

Why All Single People Should Have A Dog