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Perhaps in his attempt to escape the repeated flashes from my camera... the Franklin Pig is moving to greener pastures. Here are details about the humble abode -- upon which he graced the front porch for years -- that is now up for sale. This is my tribute to one of Franklin's most noted celebrities... le Pig!

A one-of-a-kind Pig photo gallery... I pass by this Pig on the porch of a neighbor's house every day, and every time they change what the pig is wearing -- or holding --I stop and take a picture. If you love Pigs, or just want a good laugh, you'll enjoy these pictures of Pigs -- all dressed up!

The comical story behind This Little Piggy who resides in downtown Franklin, Tennessee can be found here. Today, Mr. Pig (or would that be MS. Pig???) was garbed for a wedding:...


It is said that hundreds of out-of-town cowboys have made their way to Franklin, Tennessee for the annual Franklin Rodeo. Here's a humorous look at all the hype surrounding this event.