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Franklin Neighborhoods

Tucked behind the Williamson County Agricultural Expo Center off of Peytonsville Road and surrounded by farm land and hillside, The Highlands at Ladd Park is a new Franklin neighborhood that has the makings of a wonderful combination of spacious homes, beautiful views and opportunities to enjoy nature at its best. There is a lot to look forward to with this new subdivision going in on the south side of Franklin.

I have hard & fast proof that no one reads the newspaper anymore. Either that, or peer pressure has taken over in my neighborhood, and everyone seems to follow suit. Do you know when trash collection days are in your neighborhood?...

Virtually everywhere we've considered in Williamson County as a place to build our home, we've had to back out simply because they don't offer high-speed Internet there. Who knew that in one of the wealthiest parts of Tennessee, there are so many people living with dial-up Internet service in this day and age?! That, or no Internet at all!

Tom Miller, the mayor of Franklin, Tennessee has mentioned his desire to provide wireless broadband Internet access for the entire town. This would make Franklin the first municipality in the state to offer citywide Wi-Fi.