Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

Softball Season Has Begun!

Ideal Boltz softball team - 2005 season kickoff game. Tis the season…

…to be hitting homeruns!

Not on opening night, though.
(Who wants to look like a big-shot on the first night out, right?)


Highlights from the first Ideal Boltz game:

  • The 2nd baseman on the other team bent his knee THE WRONG WAY during a play… sending him to the hospital via ambulance. According to Wade (a physical therapist on our team), the 2nd baseman tore his MCL, ACL, RCL, ICL… or something like that! Surgery is going to be needed to repair it.
  • 2004 final BCC softball game of the season when Bo tore his knee requiring a ride in the ambulance. Which reminds me of our final game of the season LAST year in which Bo swung hard, and hit the ball, but when he started to run toward first base, his pivot foot didn’t budge — causing his knee to become dislocated. Resulting in yet ANOTHER ambulance dispatch to the softball field!
    Highlights from the first BCC game:

    New team jerseys and hats. You can spot these guys from a mile away in their BCC orange:

    Bellevue Community Church softball team - 2005 season kickoff game. BCC opening game team photo - candid


    Frequently seen at a softball field: kids and pets:

    The world's cutest puppy! We spotted this baby boxer puppy at the ballpark. Sue is watching Sophie and Blaine on the bleachers at the BCC softball game. This photo marks the start of a series of the 'cute kid' series of photos below... Notice how Blaine is crying -- because he got Kleenex stuck on his tongue when Sue was wiping his mouth!


    Two of the most photogenic kids at the ballpark, Sophie (4) daughter of Mark and Erin; and Blaine (2) grandson of Bob and Sue. (Check out the expressions, especially on Blaine’s face, as you click through this series of photos. Blaine goes from being your typical cry-baby… to a stud-muffin… to a macho man… right before your very eyes. Too cute!)

    Sophie, 4 and Blaine, 2. Sophie, 4 and Blaine, 2. Sophie, 4 and Blaine, 2.

    Sophie, 4 and Blaine, 2. Sophie, 4 and Blaine, 2. Sophie, 4 and Blaine, 2.

    Sophie and blaine walking hand-in-hand at the ballpark. This was of course AFTER they ran side-by-side, Karate chopped arm-to-arm, and sat cheek-to-cheek on the bleachers!

    More softball photos here!