Attention Nashville residents (and especially Mark & Erin — the only pseudo-professional restaurant reviewers we know), you’ll be delighted to learn that our favorite all-u-can-eat Chinese restaurant (yes, the one that serves cockroaches on occasion) has officially closed its doors.
Bummer for us. Good news for you and yours who have steered clear of this “fine dining establishment” — choosing foods of the pizza pie formulation over oriental-seasoned crusty crustaceans.
Listen to Bud Light’s Real American Heroes ”Mr. Fortune Cookie Fortune Writer”:
All names are being withheld to protect the innocent, but Jim and I have always liked the restaurant’s delightfully sweet owner. Which is why were were so broken-hearted when we drove up to the building yesterday for lunch, only to find that the inside had been completely gutted.
You see, we had lunch there regularly. So to find the place deserted more or less overnight seemed so strange!
Luckily, there was a sign posted on the door:
“Closed. Look for new location.”
That’s Chinese-speak for “the future’s so bright I gotta wear shades”.
You’ve gotta love a little optimism!