Fun In The NeighborhoodTravel

101 Uses For Miniature Stanley Cup Trophies & NHL Hockey SWAG

Neil and Abby sitting in Cell Block 303.…give or take 93.

We went to an NHL hockey game the other night with our “cellmates”, Neil and Abby.


As you can see from this photo, Nashville Predators fans filled the Gaylord Entertainment Center for the season opener on October 5, 2005.

Who played?
…Nashville Predators

Where’d we sit?
…Section 303 (a.k.a. Cell Block 303)

When was it?
…the first NHL game of the season! (October 5, 2005)


What about the hockey SWAG?

The limited edition Stanley Cup trophies they gave away at the first Nashville Predators game of the 2005-2006 hockey season. What made this night especially interesting (in addition to knowing that every NHL team in the country was playing hockey on this night …for real!) was the fact that they handed out free miniature Stanley Cup trophies to everyone in attendance.

It was in honor of the fact that the Nashville Predators will be taking home the “real” Stanley Cup trophy in June, of course!

Jim and Lynnette sitting in our seats for the 2005-2006 hockey season... the last row in Section 303. Now, most of the things we receive as giveaways at sporting events just end up sitting around in a big memorabilia box, treated as if they’re some sort of valuable piece of NHL hockey history.

It’s like, “I’m sure we’ll find a great use for that… someday!”

Yeah right.

Well, in an effort to stop collecting more “stuff” and start USING what we’ve got lying around the house, the four of us found some really creative uses for hockey SWAG like these miniature Stanley Cup hockey trophies.


Fun use #1 for a miniature Stanley Cup hockey trophy:

Jim puts his Stanley Cup to use!

Jim thinks it could best be used as a shot glass!

Wait… or is that a nose scratcher?

I’m not sure, but along the lines of the “shot glass” idea, it would be a smart thing to pack next time we go to Michigan!


Welcome to Smashville - NHL hockey headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee.



Fun idea #2 for ways to use a miniature Stanley Cup hockey trophy:

Neil thinks the miniature Stanley Cup trophies are... 'just smashing'!

Neil is auditioning for the Preds’ next commercial. You know, that one where they’re “welcoming fans to SMASHVILLE”… Maybe he’s onto something — use the miniature trophy in future ad campaigns.

CLICK to listen to the audio clip. Listen to the hockey song “Welcome To Smashville” by singer/songwriter Dar Scot (…here are the lyrics).



Fun way #3 to use a miniature Stanley Cup hockey trophy:

Abby questioning the Stanley Cup altogether.

Abby is fresh out of ideas. Forced to “play along”, she offers up something about a Christmas gift for her brother-in-law. Good one, Abby! Truthfully, much of the SWAG we get at hockey games could be viewed as fun playthings for the little tykes (and brother-in-laws) in the family.

And, of course, I couldn’t resist sharing my own creative use for these silver trophies.

(…drumroll please)



Fun thing #4 that miniature Stanley Cup hockey trophies can be used for:

A red Nashville Predators hockey puck resting atop a miniature Stanley Cup trophy. A black hockey puck proudly displayed atop a miniature Stanley Cup trophy. Turn them into a display stand for one of those hockey pucks you’ve got lying around! You know, from previous years’ hockey SWAG. I can see this being prominently placed in the TV room, as a good luck charm whenever we’re watching the Preds on television.

…that, or I could see myself using it for an earring holder. Oh, wait, maybe a gum rest!

Speaking of… what the heck was the purpose of those things? My mom actually bought me one of those “fad” gum rests when I was a kid. But, now that I think about it, were people actually supposed to SAVE their already chewed gum & reuse it??? Okay, that’s it… I’m off to research other crazy fads now.


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