Franklin Tennessee is a city filled with parks!
There are city parks. And there are county parks. When you add them all up, there are plenty of places to enjoy the great outdoors in one of the many parks located in Franklin, TN.
In all, there are nearly 30 parks within the confines of the city.

Franklin City Parks
There are currently 9 city parks located in Franklin Tennessee — with several more “in the works”.
The city parks include:
- Aspen Grove Park
- Del Rio Park
- Fieldstone Park
- Fort Granger
- Jim Warren Park
- Jim Warren Skate Plaza
- Liberty Park
- Pinkerton Park
- Winstead Hill
Here’s a map of all parks in Franklin in relation to one another, compliments of Franklin City Parks. click for larger view

Williamson County Parks
There are currently 27 county-maintained parks within Williamson County and 15 of them are within Franklin’s city borders! They include:
- Academy Park
- Cheek Park
- Fly Park/Girl’s & Women’s Softball Complex
- Franklin Girl’s Softball Complex
- Franklin Optimist Gym
- Franklin Recreation Complex
- Grassland Park
- Greenbrier Community Center
- Hillsboro-Leiper’s Fork Park & Recreation Center
- Judge Fulton Greer Park
- Natchez Trace Park
- Strahl Street Park
- Trinity Park
- Williamson County Indoor Soccer Arena
- Williamson County Soccer Complex
For More Info…
Check here to find up-to-date schedules for “Movies in the Park and “Concerts in the Park” each summer. Plus, lots of other fun family events.
Check here for county-wide sign-ups for softball teams, soccer teams, workout facilities, and other recreational activities for Williamson County residents.
Interested in Nashville Parks?… Here are park locations & maps. And you can get Nashville park updates, too.
And… did you know that Centennial Park in Nashville now offers FREE Wi-Fi?! From BlueShoe Nashville:
Bring your laptop (with wireless card) and access the Internet through free wireless Internet is provided compliments of the Metro Parks Department. Centennial Park has always been one of the coolest, hippest places to take a stroll. Now it’s even cooler. You can cruise the Web while sitting outdoors. The wireless network is called “Metro-Parks” and is operational during park hours. For more information, call 615-862-6222.”