I learned some really FUN things this week…
#1… First and foremost, kudos to Sarin for giving me the gift of a FREE Flickr Pro account this week! What that means is now I can put even MORE of our photos on Flickr (perhaps the world’s best online photo sharing site) with 2 GIGS of uploads per month (rather than 20 MEG), UNLIMITED storage, AD-FREE browsing, and UNLIMITED photosets and features.
How generous of a fellow blogger to share the love with someone he doesn’t even know — all with the aim of “keepin it real” in the Blogging community.
Now I feel compelled to do a “good deed” for another blogger in return… I love ya man!
#2… Jim and I finally figured out the one (very SMALL) thing that was making our Tennessee Bloggers site not “Firefox Friendly”… Now everything appears to be A-ok. That was a major accomplishment. (Thanks to our fellow TN Bloggers who waited patiently for this “fix”.)
#3… Word is… Don Ellis (a singer/songwriter who’s been with numerous bands/groups/duos in Nashville) has joined forces with two other guitarist-singers under the name Savannah Jack. I caught him singing their first single on Tennessee Mornings a few weeks ago. Can’t wait to see what comes of this…
NOTE: We first met Don a few years ago at the now defunct Denim & Diamonds (a bar with 7 nightclubs under one roof… all for only one admission price) here in Nashville. He was the emcee in the “Karaoke Bar”. Not only was his singing great, making him a “natural” when it came to saving those struggling karaoke-ists who had no business being up there singing… (He always did his best to help them finish the song with some shred of dignity left.) But he also revealed his comedic talents at the same time. He was hilarious and did a great job keeping the show alive and hoppin into the wee hours of the morning. (Though we could tell back then that he was made for something much greater than this type of lounge-act.)
Listen to Bud Light’s Real Men of Genius ”Mr. King of the Karaoke Mic”:
#4… None other than Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense, was in Nashville this past weekend, and it appears that he made a stop at the Grand Ole Opry!
I saw on the GAC channel that night that Dolly Parton was the host of the show, and she invited him to come up for some sort of pre-rehearsed-supposed-to-look-impromtu-speech on stage.
#5… Did you know that the contestants on American Idol get $400 ‘n some dollars to put toward their wardrobe each and every week?! I heard that on Bob & Tom one morning. That’s reason enough to try to sing good for another week, don’t ya think? I could use a few weeks’ worth of $400 wardrobe upgrades.
#6… I spotted this billboard on the way to work today: “The forks are ready… are you? Answer: McDonalds on May 9th”
What are they Mc-up to now?!
All I know is, since they did away with bagels in the morning (our fave was bacon, egg & cheese on a toasted bagel), we haven’t visited McDonald’s in ages…
#7… Did you know that people are now using their cell phones at concerts instead of lighters to signal an encore? Yep, the soft glowing light that emanates from a cell phone can now be used to light the night! It appears to be a tradition started by today’s mobile youth. According to those great news broadcasters, Bob & Tom, rocker Bono noticed his fans doing this one night and took advantage of the opportunity by inviting them to all call one of his charities.