For all the Leah Hulan (of Grumpy’s Bail Bonds) fans out there…
And, I know there are many, because our stats show that the one article in which we featured Leah Hulan continues to get many hits.
So, before she becomes too big of a superstar to photograph locally (via billboards, that is), I thought I’d post a couple more pictures in celebration of Leah Hulan’s upcoming Reality TV show on CMT!
From Franklin, Tennessee, she’s an icon in Williamson County. Her best line: “You ring, we spring!”
Here are 2 more billboards of Leah Hulan (a.k.a. “the Bond girl”, “the Bond bombshell”), as well as some little-known facts about this Grumpy’s Bail Bonds mega star…
Leah Hulan of Grumpy’s Bail Bonds salutes our soldiers on this billboard on Columbia Avenue in Williamson County, Tennessee.
Leah Hulan is known as Williamson County’s “Bond Girl”!
Little-Known Facts About The Grumpy’s Girl
- Owner of the largest bail bonding business in Williamson County, Tennessee
- Writes and produces all of her own commercials
- Does all the marketing for the business
- Writes most of the bonds at Grumpy’s Bail Bonds
- Husband, Kevin Davis did ministry work in the Williamson County jail before starting Grumpy’s Bail Bonds
- Kevin tracks down all the “runners”
- A former beauty queen, Miss Tennessee 1992 and 1994
- Miss USA semi-finalist – 1994
- Ex-military intelligence officer
- Soon-to-be reality TV star
- A little bitty blonde girl who sometimes works 24 hours a day
- She lives in Grumpyland
- She also runs an inmate supply store where family members can purchase items that inmates can legally have — like white shirts with no writing, toothpaste in a tube not a pump, and a razorless shaving method called Magic Shave
- Wrote a book about her battle with bulemia
- A person we would all like to be like
- Was asked to pose for Playboy
- Says 80% of inmates seeking bond are affected with a major addiction or dysfunction
- Judges allow sexy bond business in Music City
- Former Miss America contestant Now A Bond Girl
—> Just for fun, check out the Grumpy’s Bail Bonds SWAG Store!
Leah Hulan, the owner of Grumpy’s Bail Bonds is a local celebrity of sorts. We were at the gas station a few weeks ago, and she had everyone’s attention! Guys (and girls) were abandoning their cars and putting their fueling on hold just to get Leah Hulan’s autograph while she was putting gas in her truck.